The Board of County Commissioners of Ashland County will be accepting statements of qualifications from architectural firms for the construction of a new county administration building for Ashland County. Qualified firms may submit statements of qualifications by e-mail to or by mail or in person at the office of the Ashland County Commissioners, 110 Cottage St., Second Floor, Ashland, OH 44805.
Statements of qualifications should provide information about the firm that would allow the Board to evaluate firms on the basis of technical training, education, and experience of the firm’s personnel and key consultants, and especially the architect or engineer of record and any other employees and consultants who would be assigned to perform the services under this contract; the ability of the firm in terms of its workload and availability of qualified personnel, equipment, and facilities to perform the required design services competently and expeditiously; and past performance of the firm as reflected by the evaluations of previous clients with respect to such factors as control of costs, quality of work, and meeting of deadlines; and compliance with Ohio Revised Code sections 4703.182, 4703.332, and 4733.16, including the use of a licensed design professional for all design services.
Statements must be received by the Board no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. On or after that date, the Board will select its top three firms, request a pricing proposal from each of those firms, and begin contract negotiations with the top-ranked firm. This is a qualification-based selection process. Firms that have submitted prequalification materials within the past year may also be considered. Firms should not submit bids, price estimates, or project specific proposals at this time.
The preliminary project description may be obtained by emailing or telephoning Nikki Hiller, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, at, or 419-282-4263. Statements of qualifications should be forwarded to Ms. Hiller at the address above or mailed to the Ashland County Commissioners’ Office, 110 Cottage St., Second Floor, Ashland, OH 44805.
Preliminary project description is as follows:
Name of Project: Ashland County Administration Building
Location: Vacant lot at the southeast corner of Cottage St. and W. Fourth St., Ashland Ohio.
Description: All professional design services for both the design phase and construction phase of a 13,500 square foot county administration building, including offices for the county auditor, treasurer, recorder, and tax map offices. Such services shall include:
- Meet with Owner and with officeholders expected to occupy the building to discuss design options and needs.
- Prepare conceptual designs and modify as needed.
- Prepare all design documents for approval by Owner.
- Prepare and submit all necessary permits.
- Prepare construction drawings and specifications.
- Prepare bid packets and contract documents. This will need to be done in consultation with the county’s legal counsel to ensure compliance with contracting requirements for public improvement projects.
- Conduct pre-bid meetings as necessary.
- Assist Owner in selecting general contractor from among bidders.
- Review submittals, project schedule, and applications for payment from contractors.
- Conduct site visits as necessary to inspect the construction progress.
- Assist with final inspection; prepare punchlists and closeout documents.
Total construction budget: Approximately $6 million
Anticipated design startup/completion dates: Start ___________________ Complete_________________
Anticipated construction startup/completion dates: Start _________________ Complete ______________
Special requirements or restrictions:
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